Duke of Edinburgh Adventures

This year, a number of Year 13 and 14 students at Post-16 have been working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. This week, Amy M, Neah, Sam, James and Lucy completed the expedition section of their award. 

The 5 students navigated and walked over 10km on Tuesday from Post-16 to Love Lane. They walked across Greenham Common, along the canal to Victoria Park and up to The Castle School at Love Lane, where they camped for the night. After a tiring walk, the students then put up tents and cooked dinner on a cooking stove!

A truly wonderful evening was then had by all playing games and toasting marshmallows around a campfire!

After spending the night sleeping in a tent on the Love Lane field, the students then packed down their tents, made and ate breakfast and then made sandwiches for the day ahead.


On day 2, the students spent the day at Snelsmore Common completing teambuilding challenges. This included constructing a waterproof den and a 'treasure hunt'.


This was a fantastic experience and challenge for our students. They achieved so much on this expedition… not least learning to live without their mobile phone for two days!

We couldn't be prouder of not just these students but also Amy G, Jensen, Troy, Sean and Katie who completed the Skill, Physical and Volunteering sections of their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh Award.