Pastoral Support
Welcome to this Advice and Support section. We hope you will find it useful. In this section you will be able to find lots of information and advice to support you.
West Berkshire SEND Local Offer Website
West Berkshire SEND Local Offer is a comprehensive website containing lots of information and advice of what is available to help support you. The website includes sections on youth clubs, holiday activities, after school clubs, respite/short breaks, DLA as well as lots more information, advice and guidance. Please click here to have a look at The West Berkshire Local Offer
The Pastoral Team at The Castle School are a highly skilled and dedicated team who are here to support and advise you in a variety of ways. They can be contacted by calling the school on 01635 42976
The team will run or facilitate courses throughout the year. Please keep an eye on the news section or this page for more details.
The NSPCC have produced a website that offers parenting advice and support for dealing wit difficult and challenging situation. You Can visit the NSPCC website by clicking here
Kaylene Christensen - Behaviour and Pastoral Lead
Kaylene is available all week and can be contacted on the school number or on 07824 551 857
Pauline Fisher - Family Liasion Officer and ELSA
Pauline is available all week and can be contacted on the school number or on 07824 551 880
ELSAs (Emotional Literacy Support Assistants)
The team can support on an individual and family basis and also offer training and sessions to help including:
- Coffee mornings and afternoons
- ADHD Parent support group
- Family football
- Walk and talk
- Family Disco
- 1:1 support as needed
Food and Eating help
Below are a selection of resources that you may find useful if you are having difficulties with your child and food/eating.